I’m an energetic, outgoing creative who grew up rurally in northern Alberta, where I learned many of my skill sets through my involvement in the 4-H program for 9 years as a youth and today as a volunteer. This agricultural background has shaped who I am today. My passion for design came from experimenting with photography and editing photos related to the agriculture/equine industry at a young age. When I’m not designing, you can find me training and riding horses. Eventually, I would love to use my graphic design education in the agriculture industry I grew up with.
Why Sugar Coat It? Advertising Campaign
This is a social awareness campaign consisting of posters and social media posts for the AGLC and GameSense that focuses on the issue of youth gambling.
This campaign aims to bring awareness to the adult public and youth about the risks of youth gambling. For the imagery, I created these illustrations to be out of the norm and attention-grabbing while making the viewer connect the dots visually between children/youth and gambling.
This campaign aims to bring awareness to the adult public and youth about the risks of youth gambling. For the imagery, I created these illustrations to be out of the norm and attention-grabbing while making the viewer connect the dots visually between children/youth and gambling.
Blocked Sunscreen
This project aimed to create a branded product that would aid in behavioural changes of a specific audience. I chose to create a sunscreen brand that would change young adults’ behaviours of not wearing sunscreen or not prioritizing it.
Blocked Sunscreen was created to be a fun, bold, modern, trustworthy, and innovative brand that was attractive to young adults aged 18 to 25.
Blocked Sunscreen was created to be a fun, bold, modern, trustworthy, and innovative brand that was attractive to young adults aged 18 to 25.
Advertising Photography Collection
I produced a collection of photos for various advertising layout projects. All these images utilized either studio or on-location lighting techniques to create dynamic and engaging images in mainly low-key lighting.