Alyssa Joe


  • Illustration
  • Motion Graphics
  • Publication
  • Typography
Hello! I am an Edmonton-based designer passionate about motion graphics, illustration, and publication. My interest in design began in high school, which sparked my MacEwan journey in 2018. My work is inspired by my personal experiences, the people I have met, and the fascinating work of other designers I come by daily. I love design because it allows me to problem solve, communicate information creatively, and bring people together. I aim to become a stronger designer with every subsequent project and create meaningful work to improve people's lives. I aspire to take on projects that will excite me and provoke my creative thinking skills.
Squish Candy Catalogue
This is a product catalogue for Squish, a Canadian candy company specializing in gourmet gummies. The main objective of this project was to develop and utilize a modular grid system to lay out information and imagery. The vibrant colour palette and photography create an exuberant, optimistic feeling that pairs well with Squish's existing brand.
3D Sushi Making Video
This project acts as an exploration of 3D motion graphics. After Effects and Blender was used in this video to create a cucumber maki tutorial. The style of the objects is reminiscent of toys which helps to make the overall video feel cute, playful, and informative.
Take-Out Box Character Walk Cycle
This video acts as an exploration of the 12 principles of animation and stages of a walk cycle. This cute delivery take-out box character cheerfully walks from the restaurant and makes his way to his customer. He can't wait to get eaten! His body and noodle hair squash and stretch to add personality to this happy-go-lucky character.
“Full of Yourself” Illustration
This project's main goal was to creatively illustrate a common English phrase or idiom. The phrase "full of yourself" is represented in this illustration by a stack of vain Russian nesting dolls. The high-angle shot of the dolls emphasizes the top doll, which represents the primary self who influences their inner selves. This illustration takes the English phrase literally and also plays into its actual meaning.