Designing a Loyalty Program for ArrKann Trailer & RV

User Experience
User Interface
I worked with ArrKann Trailer & RV to design a loyalty program (LP). This LP rewards customers for more than spending to keep ArrKann in mind between RV purchases. To understand how to create a unique and all-encompassing LP for ArrKann, I conducted interviews, a customer survey, a literature review, and a precedent analysis of current LPs, leading to ideation of potential earning and rewards options which I integrated into an intuitive app prototype.
This mockup shows the LP app’s home screen, rewards screen, and earning screen. ArrKann wants to reward customers for interactions beyond purchases. Members of the LP can earn points by writing reviews, making referrals, attending ArrKann events, posting to social media, and more. They can then use their points for a variety of redemption options.
Loyalty with RV dealerships is complicated as customers only buy RVs once every several years. The LP needed a way to keep users thinking about ArrKann during these long stretches. Because ArrKann and its customers love camping, we included camping logs in the app. Camping logs let users record their camping experiences to share them with others. This system connects everyone under the ArrKann name and encourages members to use their ArrKann RVs.
I conducted research over four months. ArrKann shared their vision of the LP and insight into their values and relationships with their customers in interviews. The literature review taught me the best practices for LPs and how to gain and retain members. I sent a survey asking ArrKann’s current customers what they would like from ArrKann’s LP. To understand the LP industry, I analyzed popular LPs for must-have features.