Hi, I’m Rebecca! I grew up living all over as a military brat but have been in Edmonton for a while now. I’ve always been creative as a means to express myself, but it wasn’t until I jumped in headfirst with the design program that I feel like I found myself. Design marries my love for creating and helping people with my abilities to problem solve and think critically. I am an avid vintage lover who ironically fell in love with UX/UI design and all things tech. While I fantasize about the simplicity of the past with my vintage collection, I am captivated by the possibilities of the future and making it more inclusive for all.
Over the pandemic, I got in touch with my Martha Stewart side.
Over the pandemic, I got in touch with my Martha Stewart side.
Integrating AR Beyond Filters
The goal of this project was to promote connectedness. With the pandemic and colder weather in full swing, this project touched on many aspects of life we all were lacking. With Snapchat already being one of the leading apps for integrating AR, it’s a no-brainer that in the future, they would consider integrating AR in a more advanced setting. In my prototype, users can take and send videos while masking out the background to create a more connected and realistic experience between users.
Parks Canada Camping App
This project aimed to create an app based on the existing Parks Canada app and website that would allow users to book campsites anywhere, anytime.
Course Planning Chatbot
This project was part of a multi-disciplinary course with students from the computer science faculty. While researching and designing a solution, I worked closely with 2 developers who implemented my designs into a living web product.
Can’t Find Something to Watch on Netflix?
In asking Netflix users about what they felt could be improved upon, everyone said that finding content took them far too long. Netflix’s integrated algorithms do a great job at getting to know your likes and dislikes but sifting through the content to match your tastes is still not perfect. By adding additional ways to sort content and reset or remove undesired content, users have the ability to customize their Netflix experience for all their watching needs.
Erda Sustainability App
Over the past two semesters, I have been researching sustainability, education, and the family unit. This app was created as the output of that research to help individuals connect with sustainability through activities and inadvertently learn more about what this broad term encompasses. By doing activities together and creating a community environment, users can share knowledge and excitement.