
My design passions include user experience, accessibility, design research, branding, and photography. During my time at MacEwan University, I gained transformative experiences that illuminated my design trajectory. As I focused on DXD stream courses, I honed my critical thinking skills by identifying opportunities and solutions amidst challenges. This developed skill equips me to address everyday issues with curiosity, empathy, and openness. I also gained the opportunity to engage with impactful communities where I've learned, volunteered, and networked toward meaningful goals. Leaving this program, I eagerly anticipate leveraging my design skills and knowledge to create change.
Accessible WayFinding for Allard Hall
Implementing a wayfinding ecosystem in Allard Hall enhances accessibility for students who use the building, prioritizing wayfinding, and accessibility perspectives. The proposed solution includes indoor and outdoor navigation features, utilizing digital tools to provide accessible wayfinding for students with visual and hearing impairments. By incorporating braille into the system, visually disabled students will have improved environmental navigation. When all the solutions are integrated, the resulting wayfinding and accessibility experiences will significantly benefit all students in Allard Hall.