
With a background in psychology and philosophy, I discovered my passion for design at the intersection of aesthetics and functionality. I approach design with an evolving lens, enabling me to zoom in on user needs while also zooming out to consider the systems we create. My work is unified by intrinsic values of curiosity, connection and circularity, which inspire my pursuit of a more sustainable future. My learnings through this degree have been immense, and most notably, I’ve learned to appreciate the unmatched richness of creative team collaboration, how to persevere through challenges, and to just trust the process!
Branding and Semiotics: Evoco
How might we develop an ecological justice campaign? A key finding when beginning this project was the prevalence of greenwashing, a sharp influx in the use of organic visualization in the product market which, as a result, diminishes the semiotic value of this visual narrative. Organic palettes and modern visuals are no longer enough—now is the time for action, empowered by a campaign that draws awareness to the truth of the materials that are produced.
Metaphorical Timelines: Interstellar
How might we use information design to visually communicate an abstract timeline? With this project, I chose to visually communicate the timeline of a personal favorite film—Interstellar. This film leverages the boundaries of theoretical physics to tell a story of human connection that surpasses the limits of time and space.
Conference Presentation: Thinking in Circles
How might designers leverage the principles of a circular economy to develop more sustainable solutions? With this project, I was to research and present a topic of interest at a systems level of design. With a passion for sustainability, I immediately knew I wanted to research the circular economy and highlight the actionable role of designers and academia in the development of a sustainable, circular future.
[Way]Finding Materiality
How might we develop a new wayfinding system for Allard Hall? This project began with extensive research into the environment—from analyzing and documenting the existing structures and systems to understanding the broad range of users that may navigate the space. Our final solution provides improved orientation within the building with a distinct visual identity that illuminates and celebrates the material aesthetic of Allard Hall.