
Reshaping the Future: Empowering Young Adults in Wildfire Resilience

Speculative design of a futuristic time capsule and artifacts sent back to present-day Edmonton to facilitate meaningful discussions and symbolize hope and resilience regarding the potential reality of wildfires.
Pocket Sprouts — Due to the unusable farmland from wildfires, Pocket Sprouts are lab-engineered plant seeds to provide fresh food on demand. These seeds undergo accelerated growth when VitaGrow+ serum is added and are viable for three months until a new pack is needed.
RE-METRO pass — With decreased reliance on fossil fuels, cars became obsolete, and commuting shifted to RE-METRO, a new form of transportation. This train, powered by kinetic energy, electricity, and magnets, minimizes spark risks and reduces human activity in fire-affected regions.
Thriving Together: A Manifesto — After the climate crisis of the 2020s, society reflected on the events, and those in power developed a manifesto signifying a momentous shift in values, reinforcing the interconnectedness between humans and nature.
AeroFlora Photographs — Technological flower structures act as air quality monitors that “bloom” and “wilt” depending on oxygen levels. During low states, they set off alarms and announcements to alert the public.

EcoGuard Mask — A highly advanced nose patch mask that has a built-in air purifier and pulse oximeter, while remaining reusable for up to 5 years. Works in conjunction with AeroFlora.