
While I thrive in areas of visual design, such as photography, post-production, and publication, my focus lies in design's conceptual and speculative methods. I see Design as a constant, non-linear process focused on outcomes rather than solutions. It can be used to critically examine and shape the systems, environments, and social structures in which we live. I hope to pursue a career in Design Research with a particular interest in death, sexuality, and narrative-focused learning.
Going Down Slow
This calming and contemplative record sleeve design was created as part of a contest for Bent River Records. The nine bars of sand texture mirror the nine-bar blues on Kevin Dean’s jazz album, Going Down Slow. The inside sleeve is painted with acrylic gouache while listening to the music from the album. This chaotic and colourful element hidden inside the serene exterior reflects the experimental and blues nature of jazz music.
NFB Logo Animation
For this project, we were asked to animate a classic logo from based on its history and identity. I chose to pay homage to The National Film Board of Canada due to its significant impact on film & arts, as well as the unique history and story behind it. The retro motion, effects, and sound are paired with the original green (HEX #159405) logo that was replaced with black/white in 2015.
Them Thrills
This is a conceptual brand identity for a sex toy boutique that has a focus on kink positivity, progressive sex education, and a queer audience. The branding is pushed to be as flirtatious, bubbly, and friendly as it can be to invite customers to do in-store shopping in a world of increasing e-commerce (especially with cheeky items). The brand strives to be loud and welcoming in a culture of sexual shame and taboo. The title is primarily a play on “getting your thrills” combined with the targeted gender-neutral audience.
Investigating Collaboration as Design Students
A term-long research project for DESN 380 in which Anne Morin and I collected data on how collaboration negatively and positively impacts the productivity and creativity of students in the Design Program. Our proposed design solution focused on the opportunity for students to create their own personas that would highlight their strengths and skills. This solution integrates design methods into the teamwork that we utilize as students in order to understand and implement human-centred design thinking.