
The Delicate Art of Planning for the Inevitable

This book features writing, photographs, photograms, and illustrations by Cézanne.

Printing: Zenocopy
Binding & Silk Screen Printing:: Atlas Book Bindery
Originally envisioned as a Death Encyclopedia, this project evolved over eight months through research in books and interviews with professionals in the death, dying, and post-death care industry.
It transformed from an educational publication into a personal narrative of stories and insights from Cézanne’s life, aiming to extend a comforting hand to those who journey through its pages.
Featuring reflective prompts that encourage readers to contemplate their life and death, once completed, it becomes a memoir and keepsake designed to guide our loved ones in honouring us in our deaths.
By reflecting on our lived experiences and embracing our authentic selves, this book aims to foster acceptance of human mortality, leading to celebrations of life that resonate with who we were in this life and what we desire in our post-death care.